The Big Idea Sprint: Innovate, Collaborate, Launch!

11. & 12. April, 14 bis 19 Uhr, Campus Wilhelmshaven, Hauptgebäude, Raum H202

Logo Jade Startup Box

Logo Jade Startup Box

Innovations are the key to success. That is well known. But how can you systematically generate innovative ideas? How do you evaluate them? How does an innovation become a business idea?

In this intensive workshop we will learn

  • how to identify problem areas
  • which creative techniques are available to generate smart ideas in a limited time
  • how solutions can be visualized
  • and how an innovation reaches the market.

Friday, 11 April, 2 pm to 7 pm (incl. get-together with beer and snacks) as well as
Saturday, 12 april, 9 am to 2 pm

Room: H202, Hauptgebäude, Campus Wilhelmshaven

Please register via this Zoom link

If you have any questions, email either Horst Kiel or Katrin Rössler.