Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Partes
Professor für Produktionstechnik
Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften

- Produktionstechnik
- Schweißtechnik
- Grundlagen der Robotertechnik
- Werkstofftechnik
- Lasermaterialbearbeitung (Master)
- Fertigung von Flugzeugtriebwerken (Master)
Publikationsliste Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Partes
K. Partes
Hochgeschwindigkeitsbeschichten mit dem Laserstrahl
Dissertation; Universität Bremen (2008), ISBN 978-3-933762-26-9
Partes, K.:
Additive Manufacturing,
In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013), pp. 223-237, ISBN: 978-3-642-30915-1
Schwander, M.; Partes K.
Surface Coating
In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013), pp. 289-305, ISBN: 978-3-642-30915-1
Zeitschrift (rev.)
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Rajput, R.; Phochkhua G. ; Köhler H.;
Monitoring the degree of dilution during directed energy deposition of aluminum bronze and H13 tool steel using optical emission spectroscopy;
Journal of Laser Applications 35(4)
Volpp, J.; Naesstroem, H.; Wokenfuss, L.; Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.;
Spectral Visualization of Alloy Reactions during Laser Melting;
Alloys 2023, 2, 140–147.
Schmidt, M., Köhler, R., Gerhard, C., Partes, K.;
Laser Cladding With Combined NIR and Blue Diode Laser Including In-Line Atomic Emission Spectroscopy;
Lasers Manuf. Mater. Process. (2023).
Schmidt, M.; Gorny, Rüssmeier, N.; Partes, K.;
Investigation of Direct Metal Deposition Processes Using High-Resolution In-line Atomic Emission Spectroscopy;
J Therm Spray Tech; (2022);
Schmidt, M.; Huke, P.; Gerhard, C.; Partes, K.;
In-Line Observation of Laser Cladding Processes via Atomic Emission Spectroscopy;
Materials 2021, 14, 4401.;
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Gorny, S.; Neiß-Theuerkauff, T; Wallhoff, F.;
Arbeitsraumsimulation für kollaborierende Roboter, Bestimmung der realen Arbeitsräume kollaborierender Industrieroboter für komplexe Bewegungsabfolgen durch Simulation;
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb; Band 116 Heft 1-2; De Gruyter | 2021;
Partes, K.; Schmidt, M.; Gorny, S.;
Prediction of Preheating Temperatures for S690QL High Strength Steel Using FEM-Simulation for High Power Laser Welding;
Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing; 2020;
M. Dias da Silva, K. Partes, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
Comparison of coaxial and off-axis nozzle configuration in one step process laser cladding on aluminum substrate;
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 212, Issue 11, November 2012, pp. 2514–2519
H. Koehler, J. Schumacher, K. Schuischel, K. Partes, H. Bomas, F. Jablonski, F. Vollertsen, R. Kienzler;
An Approach to Calculate Fatigue Properties of Laser Cladded Components
Production Engineering, April 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 137-148
T. Kühnle, K.Partes;
In-Situ Formation of Titanium Boride and Titanium Carbide by Selective Laser Melting
Physics Procedia, Volume 39, 2012 (2012), pp. 432–438
M. Schwander, K.Partes;
A review of diamond synthesis by CVD processes
Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 20, Issue 9, October 2011, pp. 1287–1301
A. Schulz, C. Cui, H.W. Zoch, R. Doll, K. Partes, F. Vollertsen;
Micro cold working tools from hypereutectoid 8%Cr steels by spray forming and selective laser melting
HTM – Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 65 (2010) 3., pp. 125-134
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes, A. Schubnov;
Thin nanocrystalline diamond films deposited by LaPlas-CVD at atmospheric pressure;
Prod. Eng. Res. Devel., Volume 4, Number 1, 2010, pp. 9-14, doi: 10.1007/s11740-009-0194-9
K. Partes;
Analytical model of the catchment efficiency in high speed laser cladding;
Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 204, Issue 3, 25 October 2009, pp. 366-371
U. Bardi, C. Giolli, A. Scrivani, G. Rizzi, F. Borgioli, A. Fossati, K. Partes, T. Seefeld, D. Sporer, A. Refke;
Development and Investigationon New Composite and CeramicCoatingsasPossibleAbradableSeals;
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Volume 17 (5-6), 2008, pp. 805-811, doi: 10.1007/s11666-008-9246-5
K. Partes, C. Giolli, F. Borgioli, U. Bardi, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
High temperature behaviour of NiCrAlY coatings made by laser cladding;
Surface & Coatings Technology 202, 2008, pp. 2208-2213, doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2007.09.010
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes, G. Habedank, T. Seefeld;
Deep Penetration dispersing of Aluminum with TiB2 Using a Single Mode Fiber Laser;
Prod. Eng. Res. Devel., Volume 2, Number 1, 2008, pp. 27-32, doi 10.1007/s11740-008-0080-x
K. Partes, G. Sepold;
Modulation of power density distribution in time and space for high speed laser cladding;
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 195, 2008, pp. 27-33, doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2007.05.052
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes;
Optimization of Laser Cladding by Using a High Speed Process, Lasers in Eng., Vol 18, 2008, pp. 23-33
J.Kurpeta, A. Plochoki, A.N. Andreyev, J. Äystö, A. De Smet, H. De Witte, A.-H. Evensen, V. Fedosoyev, S. Franchoo, M. Gorska, H. Grawe, M. Huhta, M. Huyse, Z. Janas, A. Jokinen, M. Karny, E. Kugler, W. Kurcewski, U. Köster, J. Lettry, A. Nieminen, K. Partes, M. Ramdhane, H.L. Ravn, K. Rykaczewsi, J. Szerypo, K. Van de Vel, P. Van de Duppen, L. Weissman, G. Walter, A. Wöhr, IS387 Collaboration, and ISOLDE Collaboration; The decay of the new neutron-rich isotope 217Bi;Eur. Phys. J. A 18, 2003, pp. 5-8; doi 10.1140/epja/i2003-10065-7
J.Kurpeta, A. Plochoki, A.N. Andreyev, J. Äystö, A. De Smet, H. De Witte, A.-H. Evensen, V. Fedosoyev, S. Franchoo, M. Gorska, H. Grawe, M. Huhta, M. Huyse, Z. Janas, A. Jokinen, M. Karny, E. Kugler, W. Kurcewski, U. Köster, J. Lettry, A. Nieminen, K. Partes, M. Ramdhane, H.L. Ravn, K. Rykaczewsi, J. Szerypo, K. Van de Vel, P. Van de Duppen, L. Weissman, G. Walter, A. Wöhr, IS387 Collaboration, and ISOLDE Collaboration;
Isomeric and ground-state decay of 215Bi; Eur. Phys. J. A 18, 2003, pp. 31-37; doi: 10.1140/epja/i2003-10066-6
U.Köster, V.N. Fedoseyev, A.N. Andreyev, U.C. Bergmann, R. Catherall, J. Cederkäll, M. Dietrich, H. De Witte, D.V. Fedorov, L. Fraile, S. Franchoo, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, T. Giles, M. Gorska, M. Hannawald, M. Huyse, A. Joinet, O.C. Jonsson, K.L. Kratz, K. Kruglov, Ch. Lau, J. Lettry, V.I. Mishin, M. Oinonen, K. Partes, K. Peräjärvi, B. Pfeiffer, H.L. Ravn, M.D. Seliverstov, P. Thirolf, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck, L. Weissman, IS365, IS387, IS393 and ISOLDE Collaborations;
On-line yields obtained with the ISOLDE RILIS;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in PhysicsResearch B 204, 2003, pp. 347-352; doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(02)01956-0
A.N.Andreyev, K. Van de Vel, A. Barzakh, A. De Smet, H. De Witte, D.V. Fedorov, V.N. Fedoseyev, S. Franchoo, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, Z. Janas, U. Köster, W. Kurcewicz, J. Kurpeta, V.I. Mishin, K. Partes, A. Plochocki, P. Van Duppen, L. Weissman;
Nuclear spins, magneticmoments and α-decayspectroscopy of long-livedisomericstates in 185Pb;
Eur. Phys.J.A 14, 2002, pp. 63-75; doi: 10.1140/epja/iepja1387
C. Gerhard, R. Doll. K. Partes, F. Vollertsen;
Selektives Laserschmelzen und laserchemische Bearbeitung - Licht als Werkzeug im Werkzeugbau;
optolines online - Online Fachmagazin für Optomechanik und Optoelektronik, 2010, pp. 11-13
F. Vollertsen, F. Buschenhenke, S. Neumann, K. Partes;
Mit Faser- und Scheibenlasern zu neuen Anwendungen. Potenziale beim Schweißen und in der Oberflächenbearbeitung;
Lasertechnik Journal, Volume 5 Issue 2, 2008, pp. 25-28; DOI: 10.1002/latj.200890002
K. Partes, G. Habedank, F. Vollertsen;
Tiefes Legieren von Aluminium mit Hilfe eines hochintensiven Laserstrahls;
ZWF Jahrg. 103 (2008) 9, pp. 574-578
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes, J. Meijer;
State of the art in Laser Hardening and Cladding; Part 1 – Laser Peening and Transformation Hardening;
The Industrial User, Issue 43, 2006, pp. 30-33
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes, J. Meijer;
State of the art in Laser Hardening and Cladding; Part 2 – Laser Re-Melting and Alloying;
The Industrial User, Issue 44, 2006, pp. 30-34
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes, J. Meijer;
State of the art in Laser Hardening and Cladding; Part 3 – Laser Cladding;
The Industrial User, Issue 45, 2006, pp. 34-36
Erteilte Patent
Reparatur von einkristallinen Strömungskanalsegmenten mittels einkristallinem Umschmelzen
DE 10 2015 207 212 B4
Laserbearbeitungskopf mit integrierter Sensoreinrichtung zur Fokuslagenüberwachung
DE 10 2009 007 769 B4
EP 2 216 129 B1
Laser machining head with integrated sensor device for focus position monitoring
US 8,450,639 B2
Proceedings (rev.)
Partes, K.; Schmidt, M.;
Influence of robot-guide strategies on the geometry of directed energy deposition components;
October 2024 Journal of Laser Applications 36(4).
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Naesstroem, H.; Volpp, J.
Relating vapor emissions to melt pool behavior during laser processing
Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024), doi: 10.2351/7.0001591
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Naesstroem, H.; Volpp, J.;
Relating vapor emissions to melt pool behavior during laser processing;
J. Laser Appl. 36, 042031 (2024)
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Rajput, R.; Phochkhua G. ; Köhler H.;
Monitoring the degree of dilution during directed energy deposition of aluminum bronze and H13 tool steel using optical emission spectroscopy;
Journal of Laser Applications 35(4)
Köhler, H.; Partes, K.; Seefeld, T.; Vollertsen, F.
Influence of laser reconditioning on fatigue properties of crankshafts
Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf. Physics Procedia (2011)
H. Köhler, K. Partes, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
Laser reconditioning of crankshafts: From lab to application
Physics Procedia, Volume 5, Part 1, 2010, pp. 387-397
Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 6, Proceedings of the LANE 2010, Part 1
R. Doll, K. Partes, F. Vollertsen;
Untersuchung der Anpresskraft und der Reibgeschwindigkeit auf das Reibverhalten lasergenerierter Bauteile auf Kobaltbasis;
Tagungsband: 4. KolloquiumMikroproduktion, Bremen (2009), pp. 269-279
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Köhler, H.; Phochkhua, G.; Rajput, R.; Zwick, J.
Leitfaden zum Aufbau einer temperaturgeregelten Laserstrahloberflächenbearbeitung für die Praxis
DVS Congress 2024, DVS-Berichte 395. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2024) 506–518
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Kahmen, O.; Loegel, M.
Robotergeführtes Laserstrahlpulverauftragschweißen – Einfluss der Bearbeitungsstrategien auf die Bauteilgeometrie
DVS Congress 2023, DVS-Berichte 389. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2023) 480–486
Schmidt, M.; Partes, K.; Rajput, R.; Phochkhua, G.; Köhler, H.
Dilution Monitoring Using Inline Optical Emission Spectroscopy During Directed Energy Deposition Process of Aluminium Bronze
Lasers in Manufacturing Conference (LIM23)
M. Schmidt, S. Gorny, N. Rüssmeier, K. Partes:
Investigation on laser cladding processes using high-resolution in-line atomic emission spectroscopy,
Proc. ITSC Conference: International thermal spray conference 2022
Partes, K.:
Reconditioning of HPT blade tips,
Proc. WLT Conference: Lasers in Manufacturing; 2015
Kühnle, T.; Partes, K.; Vollertsen, F.:
Characterization of the thermal focus shift in a selective laser melting machine,
Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference (2012) (DDMC 2012)
Doll, R.; Moumi, E.; Schulz, A.; Twardy, S.; Kuhfuß, B.; Partes, K; Riemer, O; Vollertsen, F.
Investigations on two alternative methods for manufacturing tools for the micro forming
6th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds
H. Köhler, K. Partes, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
Laser reconditioning of crankshafts: From lab to application
International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro–Optics (2010), pp. 26-30
K. Partes, T. Seefeld, G. Sepold, F. Vollertsen;
High Efficiency Laser Cladding at Elevated Processing Speed;
Proc. ICALEO 2005, Paper 1404 (2005), pp. 621-628
R. Doll, K. Partes, F. Vollertsen;
Friction Measurements on Graded Metal Matrix Composites Generated by Selective Laser Melting;
Proceedings of the Fifth International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09); Munich, 2009, pp. 189-194
T. Seefeld, K. Partes;
Laseroberflächenbearbeitung mit pulverförmigem Zusatzwerkstoff;
Tagungsband: 6. Laser-Anwenderforum, Bremen (2008), pp. 71-89
T. Seefeld, K. Partes;
Advancements in Laser Alloying of Aluminum;
Proc. of ICALEO 2008, Paper 904 (2008), pp. 438-446
F. Vollertsen, G. Habedank, K. Partes;
Maßgeschneiderte Tribologie durch Laseroberflächenbehandlung;
Tagungsband: 10. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium, Chemnitz (2007), pp. 50-59
K. Partes, G. Habedank, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
Laser alloying of Aluminum using a deep penetration process with fiber laser;
Proc. ICALEO 2007, Paper 1606 (2007), pp. 881-886
K.Partes, G. Habedank, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
Laser Alloying of Aluminium using a Deep Penetration Process;
Proc. WLT Conference: Lasers in Manufacturing (2007), pp. 415-418
K. Partes, T. Seefeld, G. Sepold, F. Vollertsen;
Increased Efficiency in Laser Cladding by Optimization of Beam Intensity and Travel Speed;
Proc SPIE 6157 (2006), pp. 42-52; Doi: 10.1117/12.661138
V. Kebbel, J. Geldmacher, K. Partes, W. Jüptner;
Characterisation of high-density particle distributions for optimisation of laser cladding processes using digital holography;
Proc. SPIE 5856 (2005), pp. 856-864; Doi: 10.1117/12.612531
K. Partes, T. Seefeld, G. Sepold, F. Vollertsen;
Energy Aspects of Laser Cladding at High Scan Velocities;
Proc. WLT Conference: Lasers in Manufacturing (2005), pp. 345-350
F. Vollertsen, K. Partes, J. Meijer;
State of the art of Laser Hardening and Cladding;
Proc. WLT Conference: Lasers in Manufacturing (2005), pp. 281-306
H. Kohn; K. Partes; T. Seefeld;
Bauteilregenerierung durch Laserstrahlbeschichten – Anwendungsbeispiele und Forschungstrends;
Tagungsband zur 6. Sondersitzung “Schweißen im Schiffbau und Ingenieurbau” (2005), pp. 89-97
K. Partes, C. Theiler, T. Seefeld, F. Vollertsen;
Laser cladding powered by diode lasers at high processing speed;
Proceedings of Second International WLT-Conference on Laser in Manufacturing, Munich (2003), pp. 51-55