Professor Andrea Czepek, PH.D.

Andrea Czepek has been a Professor of Journalism at Jade University of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven since 2003. She was Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University from September 2012 until February 2019. Since then, she has continued with her teaching and research again full time.
- since 2003 Professor of Journalism at Jade University of Applied Sciences
- 2001-2003 Editor at the trade magazine „Buchreport“
- 2001 Doctoral thesis in Journalism Studies
- 1996-2001 Academic Assistant at the University of Dortmund
- 1999 Master of Arts in International Studies, University of Wyoming, USA
- 1994-1996 Teaching Assistant, University of Wyoming, USA, International Studies
- 1992-1994 Freelance journalist, Wyoming, USA
- 1992 Diploma in Journalism Studies and Arts, University of Dortmund
- 1988/89 Traineeship at the daily newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Activities: Research as a member of COST A 30 Action network „East of West“ and as co-ordinator of the international project „Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe (PLUS)“. Research in Paris, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Expert for university accreditations. Member of DGPuK, ECREA and of the teaching network "Lehre hoch N".
Teaching: Media Management and Journalism, Management Digital Media
Research themes: press freedom, journalism and society, international communication, European public sphere
English publications:
Andrea Czepek (2019): "Germany: Formal accreditation provides no answers to future challenges in journalism education". In: Eva Nowak (Hrsg.): Accreditation and Assessment of Journalism Education in Europe. Quality Evaluation and Stakeholder Influence. Reihe: Aktuell. Studien zum Journalismus, Bd. 15, Seiten 65–82,
Andrea Czepek, Ulrike Klinger: "Structural Media Pluralism: Media Pluralism between Market Mechanisms and Control: The German Divide" in: International Journal of Communication, Vol 4, 2010
Andrea Czepek, Melanie Hellwig, Eva Nowak (eds.): Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe. Concepts and Conditions. ECREA book series, Intellect: Bristol, UK/Chicago University Press 2009