Jade Hochschule The University Departments Management, Information, Technology MIT-Institute InMWJ Veröffentlichungen
Veröffentlichungen 2020
- Klafft, M.; Dudzinska-Jarmolinska, A.; Harari, I; Gacitua Bustos, R.; Bonilla Duarte, S. (2020). Using Citizens‘ Subjective Experiences of Historic Disasters for Risk Communication – A Comparative Study between 5 Countries. In: Associacao Portuguesa de Riscos, Prevencao e Seguranca (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Risks, Coimbra, Portugal, S. 217.
- Pehlken, A.; Baumann, S. (2020). Urban Mining: Applying Digital Twins for Sustainable Product Cascade Use. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) “Digitalization through Digital Twins – Innovation in the analysis and management of environmental and physical engineered complex systems”, Cardiff (UK).
- Baumann, S. (2020). Guest editor’s introduction: strategic media management at a junction. Editoral for the JOMBS Special Issue on Strategic Media Management. In: Journal of Media Business Studies.
- Baumann, S. (Hg., 2020). Teaching Strategic Management: A Hands-on Guide to Teaching Success. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham (UK).
- Baumann, S.; Flegel, M. (Hg., 2020, 2015). All the World’s a Stage: Theorizing and Producing Blended Identities in a Cybercultural World, Inter-Disciplinary Press: Oxford (UK). Republished by Brill: Leiden (NL).
- Schelske, A. (2020). What Virtual Reality Knows That Pictures Do Not. The International Journal of the Image 11 (4): 1-11.
Veröffentlichungen 2019
- Horst, S.-O.; Järventie-Thesleff, R.; Baumann, S. (2019). The practice of shared inquiry: how actors manage for strategy emergence. In: Journal of Media Business Studies.
- Baumann, S. (2019): Where to from here? Conceptualizing operating strategies for platforms and business-ecosystems in smart manufacturing. Proceedings of the 50th DSI Conference "Transforming Decision Sciences through Emerging Technologies", New Orleans (USA), pp. 1453-1463.
- Peter, P.; Baumann, S. (2019). Origins, Evolution, and Prospects of Digital Business Transformation: A Bibliometric Analysis. Proceedings of the 10th European (EDSI) Decision Sciences Institute Conference ‘Decision Sciences in a connected World’, Nottingham (UK).
- Baumann, S. (2019). Data-driven Business Models and their Value Creation Structures in Digital Manufacturing (Datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle und ihre Wertschöpfungsstrukturen in der digitalen Produktion). In: N.N. (eds) Digitales Niedersachsen, Springer Gabler Results, "Business, Economics, and Law", Forthcoming
- Klafft, M.; Strangmann, L.; Fianke, M. (2019). Communicating storm surge risks via risk communication websites: a novel approach. Mensch und Computer 2019-Workshopband.
- Czepek, A. (2019). Germany: Formal accreditation provides no answers to future challenges in journalism education. In: Eva Nowak (Hrsg.): Accreditation and Assessment of Journalism Education in Europe. Quality Evaluation and Stakeholder Influence. Reihe: Aktuell. Studien zum Journalismus, Bd. 15, Seiten 65–82.
- Dernbach, B.; Illg, B. (Hg., 2019): Journalism and Journalism Education in Developing Countries. Karnataka, India.
- Illg. B. (2019). Self-perception of Nepalese journalists within the democratization process of the country. In: Dernbach, B.; Illg, B. (Hg.): Journalism and Journalism Education in Developing Countries. Karnataka, India: 116-129.
- Nowak, E. (Hg., 2019). Accreditation and Assessment of Journalism Education in Europe. Quality Evaluation and Stakeholder Influence. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Nowak, E. (2019). Coexistence and Integration of Industry and Academic Accreditation. In: Nowak, E. (Hg.): Accreditation and Assessment of Journalism Education in Europe. Quality Evaluation and Stakeholder Influence. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 207-222.
Veröffentlichungen 2018
- Klafft, M.; Ziekow, H. (2018). Requirements Engineering for and assessment of a VR-based training application for small and medium-sized disaster management agencies. In: Bungartz, H.-J.; Kranzlmüller, D.; Weinberg, V.; Weismüller, J.; Wohlgemuth, V. (Eds.): Environmental Informatics – Techniques and Trends. Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd EnviroInfo conference. Shaker Verlag, 139-144.
- Klafft, M.; Dudzińska-Jarmolińska, A.; Harari, I.; Gacitua Bustos, R.; Bonilla Duarte, S.; Morrobel, T. (2018). A citizen science approach using information systems to provide qualitative information on historic natural disasters to risk communicators and the general public. In: Freitag, U.; Fuchs-Kittowski, F.; Hosenfeld, F.; Abecker, A.; Reineke, A.: Tagungsband UIS. Umweltinformationssysteme 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2197, 197-208
- Klafft, M. (2018). Die Warnung der Bevölkerung im Katastrophenfall. In: Reuter, C. (Hrsg.). Sicherheitskritische Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg, S. 319-336.
- Czepek, A., Hellwig, M., Illg, B., Nowak, E. (Hrsg.) (2018). Freiheit und Journalismus. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
- Illg, B. (2018). Freiheit durch Demokratie – Freiheit in der Demokratie? In: Czepek et al.: Freiheit und Journalismus. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, S. 173-188.
- Reuter, C.; Aal, K.; Beham, F.; Boden, A.; Brauner, F.; Fiedrich, F.; Fuchs-Kittowski, F.; Geisler, S.; Gennen, K.; Herrmann, D.; Kaufhold, M.-A.; Klafft, M.; Lipprandt, M.; Lo Iacono, L.; Ludwig, T, Lukosch, S.; Mentler, T.; Nester, S.; Pipek, Vo.; Pottebaum, J.; Rusch, G.; Sackmann, S.; Stieglitz, S.; Sturm, C.; Volkamer, M., Wulf, V. (2018). Die Zukunft sicherheitskritischer Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. In: Reuter C. (Hrsg.). Sicherheitskritische Mensch-Computer-Interaktion. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg, S. 621-630.
- Klafft, M.; Kaul, J.-P. (2018). Kommunikation von Routenänderungen in Navigationssystemen aufgrund von Unwetterprognosen. Notfallvorsorge 49 (2), S. 31-35.
- Klafft, M.; Schreiber, P. (2018). Risk and crisis communication in Colombia: A case study from Medellín. Proceedings of the International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference (pp. 8-11). Orlando, FL, USA. Nicholson School of Communication.
- Schelske, A. (2018). The rise of things is the end of images - A picture is worth a thousand hands. In: Grabbe, Lars C.; Rupert-Kruse, Patrick; Schmitz, Norbert M. (Hrsg): Yearbook of Moving Image Studies (YoMIS); Image Evolution: Technological Transformations of Visual Media Culture, Büchner-Verlag, Darmstadt.
Veröffentlichungen 2017
- Klafft, M., Ziekow, H. (2017). Use Cases for Virtual Reality Applications in Emergency Operation Centers (EOC). In: Otjacques, B., Hitzelberger, P., Naumann, S., Wohlgemuth, V. EnviroInfo 2017. From Science to Society. The Bridge Provided by Environmental Informatics, Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st Enviroinfo conference. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. pp. 203-208
- Klafft, M. (2017). Including weather forecasts in routing decisions of navigation systems for road vehicles. The users’ view. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Society. Arica: IEEE. pp. 5
- Said, M., Hughes, A., Anson, S., Watson, H., Klafft, M., Metz, K., Lukau, E. (2017). Understanding cross-cultural adoption of a first aid app. Health & Technology (2017)
- Klafft, M. (Ed., 2017). Risk and Crisis Communication for Disaster Prevention and Management. Berlin: epubli
- Klafft, M., Meissen, U. (2017). The potential Impact of Severe Weather on Traffic and its Communication through Navigation Systems. In: Klafft, M. (Ed.): Risk and Crisis Communication for Disaster Prevention and Management. Berlin: epubli, 77-83
- Wurster, S., Klafft, M., Fuchs-Kittowski, F. (2017). Großschadenslagen in einer küstennahen Megacity und Risikominderung durch ein Crowd-Tasking-System. Notfallvorsorge 48 (1), 21-29
- Wurster, S., Klafft, M., Fiedrich, F., Bohn, A. (2017). Assessing the Impact of Crowd Tasking Apps on Resuscitation Success. The Case of Sudden Cardiac Arrests in Germany. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 8(2), 1-16
Veröffentlichungen 2016
- Hasenpusch, T., Baumann, S. (2016). Strategic Media Venturing. Private Equity Investments as a Strategic Tool for Media Firms. In: Weber, Yaakov/Tarba, Shlomo Y. (Hrsg.). Mergers and Acquisitions, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy. (Vol. 15). Emerald, Bingley (UK), S. 77-110
- Hasenpusch, T., Baumann, S. (2016). Multi-Platform Television and Business Models. A Babylonian Clutter of Definitions and Concepts. In: Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. (Vol. 11). Managing Disruption as the new Normal
- Baumann, S., Rohn, U. (2016). Meet the Predators. The Branding Practices behind Dragons’ Den, Shark Tank and Höhle der Löwen. In: VIEW Journal of European Television History & Culture. (Vol 5). No 9. TV Formats and Format Research. Theory, methodology, history and new developments. S. 105−115
- Wurster, S., Klafft, M., Fiedrich, F., & Bohn, A. (2016). Assessing the Impact of Crowd Tasking Apps on Resuscitation Success. The Case of Sudden Cardiac Arrests in Germany. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 8(2), 1-16
- Wurster, S., Klafft, M., Fiedrich, F, Bohn, A. (2016). Plötzlicher Herzstillstand und der Beitrag zur Lebensrettung durch Crowdtasking-Apps. Notfallvorsorge 47, Nr. 4, S. 26-31.
- Wurster, S., Klafft, M., Fuchs-Kittowski, F. (2016). High Impact - Low Probability Incidents At a Coastal Metropolis. Flood Events and Risk Mitigation by Crowd-Tasking Systems. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM 2016). Piscataway: IEEE
- Klafft, M., Said, M., Anson, S., Watson, H., Hughes, A., Lukau, E. (2016). Challenges in Designing and Distributing a Not For Profit First Aid App Worldwide. In: Mayr, H., Pinzger, M. (Eds.). INFORMATIK 2016. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). Volume P-259. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik, S. 1745-1758
- Klafft, M., Reinhardt, N. (2016). Information and interaction needs of vulnerable groups with regard to disaster alert apps. In: Weyers, B. & Dittmar, A. (Eds.). Mensch und Computer 2016. Workshopband. Aachen: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. DOI: 10.18420/muc2016-ws01-0003
- Klafft, M. (2016). Challenges in investing into alerting systems under budgetary and geographical constraints. In: Wohlgemuth, V., Fuchs-Kittowski, F., Wittmann, J. (Eds.). Proceedings Enviroinfo 2016. Aachen: Shaker, S. 145-150
- Wurster, S., Fiedrich, F., Klafft, M., Bohn, A. (2016). Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the Role of Crowd Tasking Apps for Risk Mitigation. In: Tapia, A., Antunes, P., Bañuls, V., Moore, K., & Porto, J. (Eds.). ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings. 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro
- Klafft, M. (2016). Effect of Daytime on the Efficiency of Population Alerts via Short Messages and E-Mails. In: Tapia, A., Antunes, P., Bañuls, V., Moore, K., & Porto, J. (Eds.). ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings. 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro
- Schreiber, P. (2016). Die Wissenschaftskommunikation in Kinderuniversitäten und Ihre Nachhaltigkeit. Münster: LIT-Verlag