The University Library – Literature and Subject Information in the Northwest

Our mission

The academic library of the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth provides members of the university, companies and interested citizens of the region with literature and specialized information. In cooperation with libraries in the region, we support schools, studies, research and teaching as well as training and further education.

Our media offer

In our three libraries we offer you a book and media stock of about 148,000 volumes as well as about 325 current journals.

Our continuously expanded electronic offer, which is available to university members free of charge in the campus network, currently comprises approx. 445,000 e-books, over 60,000 e-journals and around 180 licensed subject databases for all subjects of study at the university.

The entire collection can be searched via the cooperative regional search portal ORBISplus, which we operate in cooperation with Oldenburg University and State Library.

Teaching Library

As a teaching library, we offer students, teachers and researchers a wide range of courses on working with scientific sources. In addition to research techniques, the focus here is on literature management, source evaluation and plagiarism prevention.

Library as a place to learn

In our libraries you will currently find 268 workstations, of which more than 50 are fully integrated into the campus network with virtual desktops, enabling you to work with all programs licensed by the university and our digital library collections.