Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Wesermarsch (Housing Association)
Poggenburger Strasse 9
26919 Brake
Tel.: +49 4401 1005 - 0
Fax: +49 4401 1005 - 55
Internet: http://www.wohnungsbau-wesermarsch.de
Office in Elsfleth:
Wurpstraße 8a, 26931 Elsfleth
Mr. Ulrich
Tel.: +49 4404 - 766
Fax: +49 4404 - 1688
Cellphone: +49 171 - 6580994
Office hours:
Thursday: 16.00 - 17.30
Student residence Peterstrasse I

Another student residence in Elsfleth is approximately 5 minutes walk from the campus in the Peterstrasse 28.
Places are allocated on a first-come first-served basis, so you should apply as early as possible, even if you have not yet officially enrolled as a student. Application forms can be requested in writing from the “Studentwerk” (student services organisation) or completed online:
Wohnheimabteilung des SWO
Uhlhornsweg 49-55
26129 Oldenburg
(Rooms M3-303 to 306)
Tel: +49 441 798 - 2602 / 2603 / 2606 / 2607
Email: wohnen@ich-will-keinen-spamsw-ol.de
Office hours:
Mon-Fri 09.30 - 11.30
Wed 13.30 - 15.00
Help and useful information regarding your studies, student grants and accommodation can be had from the Studentenwerk Oldenburg:
Studentenwerk Oldenburg