Media Management and Journalism
Managing media projects is a central objective of our study program Media Management and Journalism. This includes the planning, organization, management, implementation and monitoring of projects. The knowledge necessary for this work is conveyed in the study program in six subject groups. An essential part of the program is the integration of theory and practice. Exercises with practical media projects and in studios allow for insights in the possible professional fields.

An overview of Media Management and Journalism


The study program “Media Management and Journalism” does not have restricted admission. Requirement for admission is the Advanced University Entrance Qualification, General University Entrance Qualification or the “Z-Prüfung” (Admissions Exam). Admission to the study program is possible in the winter as well as the summer semester. Application deadline is September 15 or March 15 of the respective year. In addition to the general admission requirements for studies at a University of Applied Sciences, a four-week pre-study internship is required for the program “Media Management and Journalism”. However, first-semester students in Summer Semester 2022 must first verify this internship at the end of the Winter Semester 2022/23 (by February 28, 2023).
Interested students may only apply online.
Applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification should please apply directly with UNI-ASSIST.
Start of your studies
Are you interested in studying in the area of Media Management and Journalism? Then have a look at JOIN the Campus. Here you will find information about your choice of studies. JOIN the Campus will help you with all of your questions regarding the application process and will show you the way to a relaxed start of your studies. Furthermore, we will accompany you into the every-day student life in Wilhelmshaven – accommodations, living, financing and getting to know the campus.
You can find more information about admissions and studies under Wege ins Studium. Do you need help with the application process? If so, please contact the registration office (das Immatrikulationsamt) directly.
For a good start in your studies, our pages Studienstart and the Mathe Vorkurs (math preparation course) may be helpful to you. You can also prepare yourself online with our MatheToGo-Vorkurs (math-to-go preparation course) and refresh the content of your school math courses.
Program content
In each of the six subject groups within the study program, several modules will be offered, which build on one another.
The subject group “Management” conveys the necessary basic knowledge for business management, whereby emphasis is placed on the media industry, media management and media marketing. After the fifth semester, a specialization in the area of Management/Marketing is possible.
In the subject group “Journalism”, the students learn journalistic work methods and acquire mediation competence. Thus, the study program is appealing to aspiring journalists as well as those who wish to work in public relations or as a media project manager. For this area as well, a specialization is possible after the fifth semester.
Knowledge of media, media structures and media history, as well as basic sciences such as sociology and psychology is conveyed in the subject group “Media and Communication”. Findings and methods within media and communication sciences are also included.
Media projects are almost entirely digitally implemented. Editors are taking on more and more technical tasks. Therefore, technical know-how for planning and supervision of production processes within media projects is essential. The subject group “Computer Sciences” deals with these issues and covers media-relevant areas of informatics.

In addition to content-related conceptual planning and technical implementation, the visual design of media projects plays an important role in the subject group “Visual Design”. The basic principles of layout, print- and online-design as well as visual communication are dealt with.
The area of “Interdisciplinary Subjects and Practice” includes Statistics, among others. Knowledge in this area is important to measure the success of media projects, to monitor journalistic quality, as well as to evaluate the quantitative success of marketing measures.
Media and communication activities often touch on sensitive legal questions. Thus, the basics of business and media law are important for daily work, and these are covered in the modules “Business Law” and “Media Law”.
The students gain practical experience in their practical training semester, during which they complete a 20-week professional training in a company, and also during two media projects in the fifth and sixth semester at the University.

Job profile

The job profiles in the area of media have changed significantly in the last years. Journalists and editors are taking on an increasing amount of management tasks as well as technical and design related activities. Project supervisors in the publishing industry and radio stations today must be able to assess, evaluate and manage media projects, not only economically, but also in regards to content and technology. Broad knowledge is also in demand in the extensive field of public relations and corporate communications: the consideration of economical corporate goals plays an important role as does journalistic mediation competence. Competition on the job market has become even tougher in the area of media. Therefore, extensive knowledge of economics, journalism and computer science as well as a corresponding study degree can be a great advantage for management positions.
Management functions for media projects are relevant in many professional fields. For example:
- public relations and corporate communication
- journalism
- marketing
- media production
- PR-consulting
- management in media companies
Potential employers include publishers, radio and TV broadcasters, advertising-, PR- and media-agencies, production companies as well as the public relations departments of companies, public authorities and other institutions. The wide range of the study program also prepares students for self-employment, which is becoming more and more important due to the increasing amount of outsourcing in the fields of media and public relations.
Information for Incomings
You are interested in a student exchange and want to study one or two semesters abroad? You are studying journalism, media management or communication sciences?
Then take part in the international programme of Media Management and Journalism BA at Jade Hochschule in Wilhelmshaven at the German North Sea coast. This is a special offer for incoming students, who have a good command of English (both oral and written) and basic knowledge of German.
The courses of the international programme are taught in English. As theese courses are from our regular BA course programme, you will join and work together with German students. You learn in small courses, usually between 15 and 40 participants.
You are able to choose your modules (up to nearly 30 ECTS per semester) out of a range of more than 50 ECTS.
The international programme gives you the opportunity to combine modules dealing with journalism, media studies, media management, applied computer sciences, media design and languages.
The courses aim to encourage students to have a critical look at the media industry by analyzing production and management processes from different points of views. Students learn to plan, develop and control solutions for media problems using their broad knowledge and project management skills.
Didactical methods range from lectures and discussions to group work, seminars and practical sessions, sometimes in cooperation with external partners from the industry.
Our international programme course offer (please note that not all of these courses will be offered in each semester):
- Media Economics and Marketing (5 ECTS)
- Strategic Media Management (5 ECTS)
- Intercultural Communication and Management (4 ECTS)
- Media Research Seminar (5 ECTS)
- Media Project (5 ECTS)
- Independent Study (thesis) (2 to 6 ECTS)
- Descriptive Statistics (4 ECTS)
- Business English (4 ECTS)
- German/German intermediate (4 ECTS)
- Business Spanish/Business French (4 ECTS)
You can take part in our regular German course offer, too, provided that your German language skills are good enough.
Here you can find more details about our international programme in Media Management and Journalism (BA).
For further information about the University and incoming requirements please have a look at the pages of the International Office of Jade Hochschule.

Information for students based in Germany / Outgoings
The seven-semester bachelor study program Media Management and Journalism offers the students many possibilities to prepare themselves for the international job market.
In addition to the course “English for the Media” with practical exercises, further modules are offered in the English language. These include courses from the areas of management, seminars and media projects (varying offers).
Here, the students train their verbal skills and become familiar with international media structures, management processes and production processes.
Since 2016, a university cooperation with the Kathmandu University (KU) in Nepal has existed through which the cooperative Media Schools have been carried out. The Media Schools take place alternatingly in Wilhelmshaven and Kathmandu. Media Management and Journalism students report about their experiences in the Blog Media School Nepal Germany.
The Jade University of Applied Sciences encourages students to gather experience abroad. To this end, they may spend one or two semesters at a (Partner) University, may complete their practical training semester abroad, or may take part in an international project. The Institute for Media Management and Journalism has been a member of the EJTA (European Journalism Training Association) since 2010. The membership allows students to complete one or two study semesters at prestigious European universities with journalistic focus.
The International Office supports students in finding a fitting (partner) university and in questions about the financing.
Projects and Research
Student Projects – project oriented cross-media skills
Within the modules Media Project 1 and 2, as well as in other various classes, the students use their knowledge of media-management, journalism, communication sciences, design and technology in interdisciplinary projects.
These may be in the form of regularly offered, continually updated projects (for example, a radio show or a series of exhibitions) or limited time projects (for example, a PR-concept or a multi-media presentation).
In a team, the students develop, plan and implement media concepts. Thereby, they take on different tasks – for example, project management, editorial work, layout – and thus simulate real-life situations from their future professional life.
Overview of student projects (selection):

The Institute for Media Management and Journalism
As a competence center, the Institute for Media Management and Journalism (InMWJ) pools the media related research activity of the department and serves the further development of the subject “Media Management and Journalism”. It is distinguished by its outstanding interdisciplinary nature and is thus able to achieve notable accomplishments in researching, conveying and improving content-related as well as organizational interface competencies in the areas of media and communication. In addition to interdisciplinary research projects, InMWJ organizes lectures and conferences on a regular basis with guests from media management, sciences and politics. The chairperson of InMWJ is Prof. Dr. Andrea Czepek.
Dr. Melanie Hellwig
Telefon: +49 4421 985 - 2465
Studienort: Wilhelmshaven
Raum: H 217
Jade Hochschule
Fachbereich Management, Information, Technologie
Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße 101
26389 Wilhelmshaven
Tel: 0 44 21 / 985 2500
Fax: 0 44 21 / 985 2412