optiMuM - Topology Optimization of Miniaturized Multi-Resonant Systems Accelerated by Model Order Reduction

The main goal of the optiMuM project is providing an efficient design procedure for miniaturized multi-resonant components, while taking operational and fabrication constraints into account. Because of these fabrication constraints and their compact size, design of miniaturized multi-resonant components, e.g. used for energy harvesting or nuclear magnetic resonance, is a challenging task.

The research group for modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems supervised by Prof. Bechtold contribute expertise in computational simulation and model order reduction. Via computational simulation, behavior of complex microsystems can be predicted. This leads to lower development costs, as the expense for prototyping can be reduced.
Karlsruhe Institut of Technologie (KIT)
Institute of Microstructure Technology
Prof. Jan Gerrit Korvink
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Siyang Hu, M.Sc.

Tel: 04421 985-2354
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Room L 236