Design Optimization of Multi-Resonant Micro Systems (Finished)

The aim of the proposal this project is to enable numerical-simulation-based efficient design optimization of miniaturized multi-resonant systems. Because such simulations require time-consuming computations of large scale systems of differential algebraic equations, we will search for optimal designs by intimately combining two advanced numerical techniques, namely Topology Optimization and Model Order Reduction, in a way that will significantly speed up the simulation process. Although the results will be achieved in a domain-specific manner, the methodology will be relevant for the design of a broad range of dynamic systems in mechatronics.
UPDATE: The results of this project has been approved by the German research foundation (DFG). The DFG has granted funding for the follow-up project "optiMuM", which started in March 2021.

Siyang Hu, M.Sc.

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