The 11th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2025) took place from February 19th to 21st in Vienna. It provides a forum for professionals, researchers, and experts in the field of mathematical modeling of dynamic systems. Researchers from the Jade Group gave presentations and had a great opportunity to exchange ideas with other researchers from around the world.
- S. Hu, N. Wulbusch, A. Chernov, T. Bechtold, "An Error Estimator and Stopping Criterion for Krylov-Based Model Order Reduction in Acoustics (I)".
- A. Schütz, M. Olbrich, A. Taghdiri, C. Ament, T. Bechtold, "Towards Automated Model Order Reduction and Feedback Control for Nonlinear Finite Element Models".
Siyang Hu presenting his work.
ICREC 2024 in Rome, Italy
On November 22nd in Rome, Italy, PhD student from the Jade Research Group, Chu Xu, gave a presentation "Coupling of Electromagnetic and Thermal Reduced-Order Models for Busbars in Electrolyzer Plants" at the 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation (ICREC 2024).
Chu Xu gives the presentation
PhD Defense - Chengdong Yuan
On November 22nd, PhD candidate in 'Jade2Pro', Chengdong Yuan, successfully finished his PhD defense at University Rostock.
Chengdong Yuan gives the presentation
Chengdong Yuan and his main supervisors, Prof. Hohlfeld and Prof. Bechtold
Model Order Reduction Workshop in Chemnitz
On October 28th, at Fraunhofer ENAS in Chemnitz, Chengdong Yuan gave a presentation and exchanged regarding compact digitial twin activities at project MikroVAL. Furthermore, the latest functions developed in software "Model Reduction inside ANSYS" were introduced to the audiences.
Chengdong Yuan gives the presentation in the workshop
InterPACK 2024 Conference in San Jose, CA
During the InterPACK conference in San Jose, CA, Prof. Tamara Bechtold gave a short course to introduce model order reduction and Chengdong Yuan gave the presentation "Re-Integrating a Reduced-Order Model into Finite Element Environment for Thermo-Mechanical Reliability Analysis in Microelectronics".
Chengdong Yuan gives the presentation in InterPACK conference
MikroVAL Project Meeting and ESTC Conference in Berlin
During the MikroVAL project partners' meeting and the ESTC conference in Berlin, Chengdong Yuan gave the presentation "Re-Integrating a Reduced-Order Model into Finite Element Environment for Thermo-Mechanical Reliability Analysis in Microelectronics".
Group photo with MikroVAL project partners
Chengdong Yuan gives the presentation in ESTC conference
Research Group Meeting in Wilhelmshaven
The research group meeting between the University of Rostock and Jade University of Applied Sciences was successfully held in Wilhelmshaven.
(From left to right) A. Taghdiri (Uni Rostock), Arwed Schütz (organizer of this meeting), Prof.Dr.-Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld (Uni Rostock), Siyang Hu, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Tamara Bechtold, Sönke Maeter (CADFEM GmbH), Chengdong Yuan, Chu Xu
Photo with 'WHV'; Jade bay boat trip!
Actuator 2024
Arwed Schütz represents the Jade Unversity of Applied Sciences at the "Actuator" conference in Wiesbaden with his contribution "Model Order Reduction Augmented by a Neural Network for a Nonlinear Electrostatic Microactuator".
Project partners from the University of Augsburg and the University of Freiburg attended as well, promoting the ADOPT research project in a total of three presentations.
Actuator conference location in Wiesbaden; Arwed Schütz presenting his work.
Short course on MEMS compct modelling at DTIP in Dresden
The "Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP)" conference was held in Dresden, Germany, between June 2nd and 5th. This unique event aims to present the latest research in Design, Test, Integration, and Packaging of Sensors, Actuators, Microsystems, MEMS, NEMS, and MOEMS. At the conference, Prof. Tamara Bechtold gave a short course on MEMS compact modeling.
Prof. Tamara Bechtold gives the short course of compact modeling
Project meeting for the “KOMMMA” research project in Bochum
In the context of the DFG priority program “KOMMMA”, Prof. Dr. Hoffmann and his team from the Chair of Microsystems Technology at Ruhr University Bochum hosted an event.
The eleven institutions of "Focus Group A" from all over Germany came together for the meeting.
In addition to the latest results, the aim was to promote intensive exchange within the microsystem technology community.
Another highlight was the invited talk given by the renowned Prof. Dr. Joachim Oberhammer from KTH in Sweden.
The PhD students of the ADOPT project present the latest research for their electromagnetic actuator
CADFEM Conference 2024
PhD student Chu Xu from the Jade research group gave a presentation at the CADFEM Conference.
Chu Xu gives the presentation in the conference
EuroSimE 2024
Our Jade research group attended EuroSimE 2024 (25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems) in Catania, Sicily, Italy, from April 8 - 10, 2024. The researchers from the Jade group presented their latest research findings.
- C. Yuan, S. Maeter, A. Schütz, I. Zawra, M. v. Soestbergen, T. Bechtold, 'Efficient Simulation of Nonlinear Plastic Models in Microelectronics: A Trajectory Piecewise Linear-Based Model Order Reduction'.
- C. Yuan, M. Niessner, T. Bechtold, 'Model Order Reduction of a Microelectronic Package Subjected to Temperature Cycling and Vibration Test'.
- A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, 'Model Order Reduction of an Electromagnetic Actuator with Moving Components via Piecewise Quadratic Coupling'.
- S. Hu, B. Manansala, T. Bechtold, 'Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization of Multi-Resonant MEMS'.
- U. Fitzer, P. Goyal, A. Schütz, I. Zawra, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, 'Comparison of Model Order Reduction Methods for a Linear Finite Element Model of an Electrically Stimulated Neuron'.
Jade Research Group: A. Schütz, U. Fitzer, Prof. T. Bechtold, S. Hu, C. Yuan
C. Yuan and A. Schütz give presentations at the conference
S. Hu and U. Fitzer introduce their posters to other participants
MikroVAL project kick-off meeting in Berlin
Our Jade research team joins the project 'Research into digitally supported reliability release in microelectronics (MikroVAL)' starts from 01.03.2024. This project is leaded by Dr. Olaf Witter from Faunhofer IZM and has partners from Fraunhofer IKTS (Dr. Mike Röllig) , TU Dresden (Dr. Karsten Meier), and TU Berlin (Prof. Martin Schneider-Ramelow). Prof. Tamara Bechtold from Jade University of Applied Sciences will lead the work package of model order reduction for finite element chip package models. The Kickoff meeting was held on 20.03.2024 in Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin.
Chengdong Yuan give introduction of model order reduction techniques to other partners during the Kickoff meeting of project MikroVAL
Cover story in Journal Advanced Material Technologies
Our paper "Fabrication and Characterization of a Thermoelectric Generator with High Aspect Ratio Thermolegs for Electrically Active Implants" has been selected as the cover story in Journal Advanced Material Technologies Vol.9 Iss.1.
PowerMEMS 2023
Our Jade research group attended PowerMEMS 2023 (The 22nd International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications) in Abu Dhabi, UAE during December 11 - 14, 2023. The researchers from the Jade group presented their latest research findings.
- C. Yuan, A. Schütz, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, 'Matrix Interpolation-Based Parametric Model Order Reduction of a Miniaturized Electromagnetic Model'.
- Y. Rao, M. Voss, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, 'Implantable Thermoelectric Generator with High Aspect Ratio Thermolegs and Integrated Voltage Converter'.
Yongchen Rao and Chengdong Yuan give oral presentations
Jade2Pro PhD students: Yongchen Rao, Arwed Schütz and Chengdong Yuan
Science Camp 2023 at University of Rostock
On November 23rd, 2023, the Ph.D. students from Jade research group presented their posters in Science Camp 2023 at University of Rostock. The Ph.D. students got the chance to comunicate with other young researchers from other research groups in University of Rostock.
- I. Zawra, C. Umunnakwe, M. van Soestbergen, E. B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, "Stress Recovery in the Reduced Space for Parametric Reduced Models in Microelectronics".
- S. Hu, B. Manansala, U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Fast Two-Phase Topology Optimization of a Linear MEMS Gyroscope".
- A. Schütz, S. Maeter, T. Bechtold, "Nonlinear Model Order Reduction of a MEMS Actuator by a Trajectory Piecewise-Linear Approximation".
- C. Xu, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Modeling and Simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer and Application of Model Order Reduction on Its Power Rails".
- C. Yuan, A. Schütz, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Towards System-Level Simulation of a Miniature Electromagnetic Energy Harvester".
Arwed Schütz, Chengdong Yuan, and Prof. Tamara Bechtold
Arwed Schütz (left) in the bar camp
MST Conference 2023 and visit of the Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology (IAVT), TU Dresden
From October 23 - 25, 2023, the 10th MikroSystemTechnik Congress took place in Dresden, the heart of "Silicon Saxony". With numerous Fraunhofer institutes as well as facilities from Bosch and Infineon, this region provides employment for approximately 70,000 people in microelectronics and microsystems technology.
This year's MST saw Jade University represented by two contributions from Mr. Yongchen Rao and Mr. Arwed Schütz.
Prof. Dr. Tamara Bechtold and Arwed Schütz extended the trip by a stay at the Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology (IAVT) of the TU Dresden. A warm welcome by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Bock and Dr.-Ing. Karsten Meier was followed by a guest lecture on "Model Order Reduction" and a laboratory tour.
Forum Acusticum 2023
From 11st - 15th September 2023, the Forum Acusticum took place in Turin. The Jade University of Applied Sciences was also represented among the more than 1000 technical contributions:
In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Matthias Blau and Reinhild Roden from the Institute of Hearing Technology and Audiology at Jade University of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Steven van de Par from the Department of Acoustics at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Arwed Schütz and Prof. Dr. Bechtold presented a paper on numerical acoustics.
Their contribution proposes a new, extremely efficient approach to calculate so-called head-related transfer functions (HRTFs). Such HRTFs describe our individual spatial hearing: depending on the direction of a sound source, sound arrives differently in each of our ears, thus allowing us to infer its origin. This filtering effect depends mainly on our head geometry and is therefore different for each individual. In this work, such HRTFs are computed numerically for a scanned head geometry. To speed up this process, the team uses model order reduction methods. In this process, a significantly smaller substitute model is formed based on the mathematical model while barely compromising on accuracy. With this approach, the HRTFs for a head geometry can subsequently be calculated significantly faster.
Cover story in Journal Electronics
Our paper "Towards System-Level Simulation of a Miniature Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Model" has been selected as the cover story in Journal Electronics Vol.12 Iss.3.
Research Group Meeting in Rostock
The 6th research group meeting between the University of Rostock and Jade University of Applied Sciences was successfully held in Rostock. This time, we had external guests from the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW), who gave a presentation of Micro-thermoelectric devices.
Jade Research Group: (From left to right) Arwed Schütz, Chu Xu, Ibrahim Zawra, Ulrike Fitzer, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Tamara Bechtold, Chengdong Yuan, Chisom Umunnakwe, Siyang Hu, Yongchen Rao
University Rostock Lab tour
Poster session
EuroSimE 2023, Outstanding Paper and Best Poster!
Arwed Schütz won the outstanding paper prize and Ibrahim Zawra won the best poster prize in EuroSimE 2023!
EuroSimE 2023
Our Jade research group attended EuroSimE 2023 (24th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems) in Graz, Austria during April 16 - 19, 2023. The researchers from the Jade group presented their latest research findings.
- A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, 'Matrix Interpolation-Based Parametric Model Order Reduction of Electromagnetic Systems with Translational Movement'.
- C.B. Umunnakwe, I. Zawra, E.B. Rudnyi, M. Niessner, T. Bechtold, 'Thermo-Mechanical Super-Element of a Packaged-Chip Model for the Reintegration of Reduced State-Space Models into Finite Element Analysis Tools'.
- I. Zawra, C.B. Umunnakwe, M. van Soestbergen, E.B. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, 'Stress Recovery in the Reduced Space for Parametric Reduced Models in Microelectronics'.
- C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, 'Towards System-level Simulation of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Model via Equivalent Circuit Extraction from ANSYS Maxwell 3D'.
- U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, 'Neuron-Electrode Interface with Hodgkin-Huxley Model in ANSYS'.
Prof. Bechtold gives a short course 'Efficient Thermal Simulation Using Compact Models'
C.B. Umunnakwe, A. Schütz, C. Yuan, U. Fitzer, and I. Zawra introduce their work to other participants
Presentation given in Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) in Dresden!
On March 17, 2023, Yongchen Rao and Prof. Bechtold were invited by Prof. Nielsch to give a presentation with the title of “Model-Based Design and Fabrication of an Implantable Thermoelectric Generator” at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) in Dresden. Then they visited labs in the aspect of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), nanopowder and thermoelectric characterization.
Rostock Science Camp, Science Slam Prize!
M. Sc. Ibrahim Zawra won the 500 € prize for his inspiring presentation at Rostock Science Camp!
Science Camp 2022 at University of Rostock
On November 17, 2022, the Ph.D. students of Jade2Pro project presented their posters in Science Camp 2022 at University of Rostock.
- S. Hu, B. Manansala, U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Topology Optimization of Multi-Resonant MEMS".
- U. Fitzer. D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Reduced Order Modelling of Neuron-Electrode Interfaces".
- A.Schütz, C. Ament, T. Bechtold, "Kick and Catch - Cooperative Microactuators for Freely Moving Platforms".
- C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Towards System-level Simulation of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Model".
- Y. Rao, M. Voss, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "High Performance Thermoelectric Generator with High Aspect Ratio Thermolegs for Implantable Medical Devices".
- I. Zawra, C. Umunnakwe, C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, "Compact Modelling of High-Tech Systems for Health Monitoring and Optimisation".
Siyang Hu, Urike Fitzer, and Arwed Schütz
Chengdong Yuan, Yongchen Rao, and Ibrahim Zawra
M.Sc. Chu Xu was granted a scholarship by the Jade2Pro-program

Since November 1, 2022, M. Sc. Chu Xu has been granted a scholarship by the Ph.D. project (Jade2Pro-program) for the research project "Simulation-based optimum design for safe and reliable operation of industrial-scale hydrogen electrolyser" involving Jade University of Applied Sciences and the University of Rostock.
Foundation of the VDE University Group Wilhelmshaven

Current topics such as renewable energies or electromobility need competent young engineers, ideally well networked and with their finger on the pulse of development. The German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) provides a platform for this. Here, entire industries are united under one roof and work together on research or new safety standards. In order to open up this great opportunity to the students of the Jade University of Applied Sciences, a VDE university group was founded at the start of the semester. With the support of Prof. Dr. Matthias Haupt and Prof. Dr. Ing. Tamara Bechtold, contacts to regional companies will be strengthened in the future in order to realize 1-2 company visits during the semester. This will enable students to get first-hand impressions and to apply more easily from this position. In addition, capable specialists will be introduced to regional employers.
More information is available
- in the Moodle course of the VDE university group (organizational things like the excursions are planned here)
- in an article of the Jade Welt about the foundation of the university group
Sergej Lamanov and Arwed Schütz are available for questions.
ICBES'22, BEST Paper Award!
During July 28 - 30, the 9th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems (ICBES'22) was delivered in person in Prague, Czech Republic, and virtually for the people who can not travel for any reason. The conference topics focus on Biotechniques. Ph.D. student Ulrike Fitzer from our Jade research group gave the oral presentation titled "Reduced Order Model of a Neuron-Electrode Interface Coupled to a Hodgkin-Huxley Model" and got the chance to connect with researchers from across the globe. Ms. Fitzer was honored with the best paper award!
Ulrike Fitzer presents her research results
MathMOD 2022
The 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MathMOD 2022) took place in Vienna from July 27 - 29. It provides a forum for professionals, researchers, and experts in the field of theoretic and applied aspects of mathematical modelling for systems of dynamic nature. The researchers from the Jade group gave oral presentations and got a good chance to communicate with other researchers from the world.
- S. Hu, U. Fitzer, S. Stindt, T. Bechtold, "Topology Optimization of a Folded Beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvester".
- C. Yuan, S. Hu, T. Bechtold, "Stable Parametric Model Order Reduction of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester by Matrix Interpolation".
Siyang Hu and Chengdong Yuan
SCEE 2022
From July 11-14, the 2022 edition of the SCEE conference took place in Amsterdam. It was a festive event, marking 25 years of SCEE conferences. With 8 invited speakers, 30 oral presentations and 25 poster presentations, it was a lively event with high level talks and good discussions. The researchers from the Jade group presented their posters:
- S. Hu, S. Stindt, T. Bechtold, "Efficient Topology Optimization of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester".
- I. Zawra, J. Zaal, M. van Soetsbergen, T. Hauck, E. Rudnyi, T. Bechtold, "Compact Modelling of Wafer Level Chip-Scale Package via Parametric Model Order Reduction".
- C. Yuan, A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, "Algebraic Parameterization and Parametric Model Order Reduction of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator".
Siyang Hu, Ibrahim Zawra (right), and Chengdong Yuan present their posters
EASS conference
From July 05 - 06, the 11th EASS conference took place in Erfurt. The conference is all about the sensible development of technology. Companies and research institutions are invited to consider approaches that target "smart-connected" and resource-efficient products.
Yongchen Rao from our Jade research group published a full paper and gave an oral presentation titled "Fabrication Strategy for a Thermoelectric Generator with Highaspect-ratio Thermolegs for Electrically Active Implants". The topic focuses on how the sensor systems can be built in a maximally energy-saving way and/or supplied with energy from the environment. The goal is an energy-saving expansion of the general networking of measurement systems.
Actuator 2022
Arwed Schütz presents his work on nonlinear model order reduction
From June 29 - 30, the "Actuator'22" took place in Mannheim. In countless presentations, scientists as well as industry representatives reported on their current results. The topics started with satellite mirrors that have to survive a rocket launch and ranged to shape memory alloys that stabilize cameras on drones. Among them was Mr. Schütz, who gave a talk on nonlinear model order reduction in a session on cooperative, multistable microactuators. This involves mathematically transforming a complex computational model into a very compact surrogate model. This allows different load cases to be investigated quickly. In addition, such a "reduced model" can also be ideally used in control systems.
The full title of the paper is:
Arwed Schütz, Mario Farny, Michael Olbrich. Martin Hoffmann. Christoph Ament. Tamara Bechtold, "Model Order Reduction of a Nonlinear Electromechanical Beam Actuator by Clustering Input-Nonlinearities"
Foundation of Steinbeis Transfer Center Finite Element Simulation, Model Order Reduction and Optimal Design

Before a technical system is built, countless aspects are examined in computer simulations and on digital twins. However, these simulations have very long computing times. As a result, they often cannot be investigated as extensively or in as much detail as actually desired. Model order reduction offers a way out. Here, mathematically sound methods are used to generate substitute models for the simulation, which require only a fraction of the computing power for the same accuracy. This "mathematical magic wand" is the expertise of Prof. Tamara Bechtold and her team.
Now, a corresponding Steinbeis Transfer Center has been founded to specifically bring this know-how to industry.
"Steinbeis Transfer Center Finite Element Simulation, Model Order Reduction and Optimal Design"
Research Group Meeting in Wilhelmshaven
The 4th research group meeting between University of Rostock and Jade University of Applied Sciences was successfully held in Wilhelmshaven. This time, we had an external guest from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (research group of Prof.Dr. Jan G. Korvink), Mr. Chau, who also gave a nice presentation on his research work.
(From left to right) Siyang Hu, Chengdong Yuan, Chisom Umunnakwe, Khai Chau, Billy Manansala, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Tamara Bechtold, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld, Sönke Maeter, Yongchen Rao
A discussion between Khai Chau and Prof.Dr.-Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld after the presentation
Discussion during the coffee break; Big thanks to the meeting organizer Siyang Hu!
Master graduate Ulrike Fitzer receives Schnieder Prize JUNGE MACHERIN
EuroSimE 2022
EuroSimE 2022 (23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems) was held in Malta during April 25 - 27, 2022. The young researchers from the Jade group presented their latest research findings.
- Y. Rao, C. Xu, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, 'Packaged Thermoelectric Generator with High-aspect-ratio Thermocouple Legs for Electrically Active Implants'.
- A. Schütz, T. Bechtold, 'Performance Comparison for Stable Compact Modelling of Piezoelectric Microactuator'.
- C.B. Umunnakwe, I. Zawra, C. Yuan, E.B. Rudnyi, D. Hohlfeld, M. Niessner, T. Bechtold, 'Model Order Reduction of a Thermo-Mechanical Packaged Chip Model for Automotive MOSFET Applications'.
- U. Fitzer, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, 'Reduced Order Modelling of a Neuron-Electrode Interface'.
PhD student Chisom Umunnakwe presents his research results from COMPAS project; PhD student Ibrahim Zawra presents the poster of Mr. Schütz
Meeting of the DFG-Priority program KOMMMA in Wilhelmshaven
In the last three days, the meeting of the DFG-Priority program KOMMMA was successfully held in Jade University of Applied Sciences. Professors and PhD students from the project presented their research results for the discussion.
Group photo of the members from the KOMMMA project
Prof.Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe (University of Freiburg), Prof.Dr. Manfred Kohl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), and the Jade research group leader Prof.Dr.-Ing. Tamara Bechtold
Research stay at the Ruhr University Bochum
Visit of the research partner within the Kick-and-Catch project.

Four research teams are joining forces in the Kick and Catch project in order to develop novel microactuators. The Bochum project partners have already produced and measured an initial design. The next step is to extend this design to include an electromagnetic microactuator. In order to achieve this goal quickly, Mr. Schütz visited his colleague Mr. Farny in the "Ruhrgebiet" under the current hygiene regulations. Within these two weeks, numerous components could be characterized with the help of a 3D-printed measurement setup. A special feature here is the location of the measurements: since even a single grain of dust can sabotage coatings or block mechanisms in microactuators, measurements were carried out in a clean room. For such high requirements, not only sophisticated technology is needed, but also special clothing. This is put on in an lock (Fig. 1). Only then one may enter the clean room (Fig. 2), where measuring instruments such as a high-speed camera are located. Through these measurements and numerical design studies, important findings for the future microactuator could be obtained.
MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021

The MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021 took place in Ludwigsburg from November 8-11, 2021. At this national meeting about 500 scientists came together to present novel actuators, sensors and much more. Of course, the members of the Kick and Catch project attended this conference and presented their results. The picture shows Michael Olbrich (right) and Arwed Schütz (left) in front of their poster.
Paper has been published in the special issue "Cooperative Microactuator Systems" of the journal "Actuators"

Recently, young researchers in our group published their research results in the special issue "Cooperative Microactuator Systems" of the journal "Actuators" by MDPI:
- A. Schütz, S. Maeter, T. Bechtold, "System-Level Modelling and Simulation of a Multiphysical Kick and Catch Actuator System", Actuators 2021, 10, 279.
Second annual convention for the DFG-Priority program KOMMMA
From September 30th to October 1st, about 40 scientists met in Ulm for their annual convention. More than 20 individual projects of the DFG-funded priority program "KOMMMA" presented their progress in microactuators. As part of the "Kick and Catch" project, Prof. Bechtold and Arwed Schütz were also present and gave insights into model order reduction. Mr. Schütz can be seen during his presentation on model order reduction.
Afterwards, the PhD students of the "Kick and Catch" project visited the new fascilities of the Augsburg project partners. Control engineering projects on laser tracking and electromagnetic position control were demonstrated. The picture shows Michael Olbrich explaining a setup to his colleagues Koustav Kanjilal and Peter Conrad.

New PhD student
Since September 2021, Mrs. Fitzer is working towards a Ph.D. at Jade University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the University of Rostock. Project: "Reduced Order Modelling of Neuron-Electrode Interfaces".
Ulrike Fitzer
Visit of TEG fabrication at our partner lab in the University of Rostock
Jade-Rostock research group meeting
From July 7 to 9, 2021, Jade-Rostock research group meeting was successfully held in University of Rostock after the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting started with a brief introduction of undering-going and proposed projects presented by Prof. Bechtold. During the meeting, all students presented their research results and exchanged ideas with others.
- Chisom Umunnakwe: "Krylov Subspace Based Model Order Reduction Techniques"
- Ibrahim Zawra: "State of the Art for Nonlinear Model Order Reduction"
- Chengdong Yuan: "Parametric MOR for Geometrically Parameterized Energy Harvester Devices"
- Jelena Petrovic: "Optrodes - Miniature Light Delivery Solutions for Optogenetics"
- Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld: "Modelling Needs and Optimization Potential for Electronics Cooling"
- Siyang Hu: "Numerical Methods for the optiMuM Project"
- Simon Stindt: "TO eines PEH Energy Harvester in Python und ANSYS" (thesis defense)
- Ulrike Fitzer: "Topology Optimization of Resonant Structures" (thesis defense)
- Sofiane Bouhedma: "A Frequency-agile Energy Harvester with Optimized Performances"
- Yongchen Rao: "Fabrication of a Miniaturized TEG Based on Design Optimization"
- Gunasheela Sadashivaiah: "Novel Modelling and Simulation Approaches for MEMS Devices"
- Sönke Maeter: "FE Analysis of Microelectromechanical Actuators" (thesis defense)
- Arwed Schütz: "System-Level Simulation of a Multiphysical Kick & Catch Actuator System"
(From left to right) Prof.Dr.-Ing Dennis Hohlfeld, Yongchen Rao, Ibrahim Zawra, Chu Xu, Ulrike Fitzer, Prof.Dr.-Ing Tamara Bechtold, Siyang Hu, Chisom Umunnakwe, Chengdong Yuan, Simon Stindt, Arwed Schütz
Sunset bike trip from Warnemünde
Papers have been published in Journal Microelectronics Reliability

Recently, three young researchers in our group published their research results in the Journal Microelectronics Reliability.
- S. Hu, S. Bouhedma, A. Schütz, S. Stindt, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Design optimization of multi-resonant piezoelectric energy harvesters", Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 120, 2021.
- A. Schütz, M. Olbrich, S. Hu, C. Ament, T. Bechtold, "Parametric system-level models for position-control of novel electromagnetic free flight microactuator", Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 119, 2021.
- C. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld, T. Bechtold, "Design optimization of a miniaturized thermoelectric generator via parametric model order reduction", Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 119, 2021.
Papers presented in EuroSimE 2021 virtual event
EuroSimE 2021 virtual event was held online during April 19 - 22, 2021. In this event, papers from our research group were accepted and presented:
- Y. Rao, S. Bouhedma, T. Bechtold, D. Hohlfeld, 'Parametric Simulation of a Packaged Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants'.
- S. Hu, U. Fitzer, T. Bechtold, 'Topology Optimization of Miniaturized Piezoelectric Energy Harvester'.
- C. Yuan, T. Bechtold, 'Geometrically Parametrized Reduced Order Model of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants'.
New research project and new PhD students

European research project COMPAS has been started since 01.03.2021. Prof. Bechtold will lead the research group in Jade University of Applied Sciences to provide the solutions for developing novel, compact models and ultra-compact digital twins. Two new Ph.D. students , M.Sc. Chisom Umunnakwe and M.Sc. Ibrahim Zawra joined our research group.
Chisom Umunnakwe Ibrahim Zawra
First annual convention for the DFG-Priority program KOMMMA

Once a year, all 22 individual projects funded by the DFG priority program 2206 "KOMMMA" meet. This annual convention took place from 29.09. to 01.10. in Koblenz. In compliance with an appropriate hygiene concept, each individual project presented their progress. Thus, each research team received helpful feedback. Moreover, common challenges of different projects could be identified.
Regular meeting with the research group from University of Rostock
From August 24 to 26, 2020, the regular meeting between the research group of Prof.Dr.-Ing Tamara Bechtold (Jade University of Applied Sciences) and Prof.Dr.-Ing Dennis Hohlfeld (University of Rostock) was held in Jade University of Applied Sciences. Doctoral students from both research groups presented their recent research results and a fruitful discussion was held successfully.
- Simon Stindt: Bachelor Thesis Defence: "Simulation-based Evaluation of Broadband Harvesting Concepts in ANSYS"
- Sofiane Bouhedma: "Towards a Tunable Dual-Frequency Vibration-based Energy Harvester"
- Siyang Hu: "Topology Optimization using pyANSYS"
- Gunasheela Sadashivaiah: "Novel Modelling and System-level Simulation Techniques for MEMS"
- Arwed Schütz: "pMOR for Electromagnetic Analysis"
- Yongchen Rao: "Design Optimization and Preliminary Fabrication of TEG"
- Chengdong Yuan: "Parametric Model Order Reduction for Thermoelectric Generator"
In the end, Prof.Dr.-Ing Bechtold and Prof.Dr.-Ing Hohlfeld gave a summary of this meeting and presented the future projects.
(From left to right) Line 1: Sofiane Bouhedma, Gunasheela Sadashivaiah, Chengdong Yuan, Yongchen Rao; Line 2: Soenke Maeter, Arwed Schütz, Siyang Hu, Simon Stindt; Line 3: Prof.Dr.-Ing Tamara Bechtold, Prof.Dr.-Ing Dennis Hohlfeld
(From left to right) Prof.Dr.-Ing Dennis Hohlfeld, Soenke Maeter, Prof.Dr.-Ing Tamara Bechtold, Simon Stindt, Siyang Hu, Gunasheela Sadashivaiah, Chengdong Yuan, Sofiane Bouhedma, Yongchen Rao, Arwed Schütz
Arwed Schütz was awarded the "Study Award 2020 of the VDE Region North-West"

On July 16, 2020, M. Sc. Arwed Schütz was awarded the "Study Award 2020 of the VDE Region North-West" for his extraordinary performance in studying electrical engineering.
Papers have been accepted and presented in EuroSimE 2020 virtual event
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the EuroSimE 2020 was held online during July 06 - 08, 2020. In this event, four papers from our research group were accepted and presented:
- (keynote) C.D. Yuan, D. Hohlfeld and T. Bechtold, “Design Optimization of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator”.
- S.Y. Hu, A. Schütz, S. Bouhedma, D. Hohlfeld and T. Bechtold, “Design Optimization of a Multi-Resonant Folded Beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”.
- A. Schütz, S.Y. Hu, E.B. Rudnyi and T. Bechtold, “Electromagnetic System-Level Model of Novel Free Flight Microactuator”.
- Y.C. Rao, S. Bouhedma, C.D. Yuan, T. Bechtold and D. Hohlfeld, “Towards a System-Level Model of a Tunable Dual-Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”.
Paper published in COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
On May 07, 2020, our research paper "Stable Compact Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Devices" was published in COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, volume 39, issue 2.
Paper published in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
On April 24, 2020, our research paper "Towards Efficient Design Optimization of a Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants via Model Order Reduction and Submodeling Technique" was published in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, volume 36, issue 4.
Regular Meeting with Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld at University of Rostock
From February 05 to 07, 2020, the regular meeting between the research group of Prof.Dr.-Ing Tamara Bechtold (Jade University of Applied Sciences) and Prof.Dr.-Ing Dennis Hohlfeld (University of Rostock) was held at the University of Rostock. Doctoral students from both research groups presented their recent research results and a fruitful discussion was held successfully.
Mr. Bouhedma introduces the measurement devices for the piezoelectric energy harvester to Mr. Schütz and Mr. Hu.
Porf.Dr.-Ing D. Hohlfeld, S. Bouhedma, G. Sadashivaiah, Y.C. Rao (Group in Rostock), C.D. Yuan, S.Y. Hu, Porf.Dr.-Ing T. Bechtold, A. Schütz (Group in Wilhelmshaven)
Research communication at University of Augsburg
At the beginning of January, Mr. Arwed Schütz visited the project partners from the Chair of Control Engineering at the University of Augsburg as a doctoral student in the "Kick and Catch" project. During the first two days, the whole team worked together successfully. For Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bechtold as well as Siyang Hu and Chengdong Yuan, the trip continued on Tuesday to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann from the Technical University of Munich.
From January 13th to 24th, Michael Olbrich and Arwed Schütz were able to create a very first model of the catch actuator and to implement it in a first control system. This is the first step towards making this new type of microactuator a reality.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Ament, Michael Olbrich, Arwed Schütz, Chengdong Yuan, Siyang Hu, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bechtold
A new member joined our research group!

Since January 2020, M. Sc. Arwed Schütz pursuing a Ph.D. within the DFG-funded research project "Kick and Catch - cooperative microactuators for freely moving platforms" at the Jade University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the University of Augsburg.
Science Camp 2019 at University of Rostock
On November 22, 2019, Jade2Pro Ph.D. students, Chengdong Yuan and Siyang Hu, presented their posters in Science Camp 2019 at University of Rostock.
- Siyang Hu, Arwed Schütz, Dennis Hohlfeld, Tamara Bechtold, "Design Optimization of Multi-Resonat Piezoelectric Energy Harvester".
- Chengdong Yuan, Stefanie Kreß, Gunasheela Sadashivaiahm, Dennis Hohlfeld, Tamara Bechtold. "Towards Efficient Design Optimization of Thermoelectric Generator via Model Order Reduction and Submodeling Technique".
Chengdong Yuan and Gunasheela Sadashivaiah
Presentation given by industrial dotorate at Bosch
On November 04, 2019, Mrs. Nabholz Ulrike, who is supervised by Prof. Mehner at Chemnitz University of Technology, gave a presentation about her industial Ph.D. project on nonlinearities in MEMS at Bosch. Prof. Dr. -Ing. Tamara Bechtold in Jade University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. -Ing Dennis Hohlfeld in University of Rostock, and all their research group members attended the presentation.
Yongchen Rao, Sofiane Bouhedma, Chengdong Yuan, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Tamara Bechtold, Nabholz Ulrike, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld, Arwed Schütz, Siyang Hu
M.Sc. Yongchen Rao was granted a scholarship by the Jade2Pro-program

Since November 1, 2019, M. Sc. Yongchen Rao has been granted a scholarship by the Ph.D. project (Jade2Pro-program) for the research project 'Fabrication strategies for high efficiency thermoelectric generators for electrically active implants' involving Jade University of Applied Sciences and the University of Rostock.
Paper has been accepted by MicroSystemTechnik Kongress 2019
Jade2Pro Ph.D. student Chengdong Yuan's Paper "A Combination of POD-based Model Order Reduction and Thermal Submodeling for Miniaturized Thermoelectric Generator" has been accepted and presented as a poster in MicroSystemTechnik Kongress 2019, Berlin. A meeting with the research group from Univerisity of Rostock was held in MST Kongress.
Chengdong Yuan and Prof. Dr. -Ing. Tamara Bechtold; Sofiane Bouhedma, Chengdong Yuan, Ph.D. Ekaterina Sergeeva, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld
DFG Kick-off Meeting in KIT
Regular Meeting with Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dennis Hohlfeld at University of Rostock
On August 16, 2019, the regular meeting between the research group of Prof.Dr.-Ing Tamara Bechtold (Jade University of Applied Sciences) and Prof.Dr.-Ing Dennis Hohlfeld (University of Rostock) was held in University of Rostock. Students from Jade University of Applied Scinces joined the Laboratory tour in University of Rostock.
Laboratory tour in University of Rostock, Institute of Electronic Appliances and Circuits
A. Schütz, S.Y. Hu, S. Bouhedma, G. Sadashivaiah, Porf.Dr.-Ing T. Bechtold, Porf.Dr.-Ing D. Hohlfeld, C.D. Yuan
Paper has been accepted by 33rd International ECMS Conference
From June 11 to June 14, 2019, Jade2Pro Ph. D. student Chengdong Yuan attended the 33rd International ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation in Caserta, Italy. He published the paper "Efficient Design Optimization of a Thermoelectric Generator by a Combination of Model Order Reduction and Thermal Submodeling Techniques" and gave the presentation in the conference.
Paper has been accepted by World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
From May 20 to May 24, 2019, Prof. Bechtold and Ph. D. student Siyang Hu attended the World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO) in Beijing, China.
Jade2Pro Ph.D. student Siyang Hu published the paper "Fast Topology Optimization for Resonating Structures via Generalized Incremental Frequency Method and Modal Superposition-Based Model Order Reduction" and presented his paper at the conference.
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Tamara Bechtold was the Chair of Session 'Dimension Reduction'.
Siyang Hu; Prof. Dr. -Ing. Tamara Bechtold
MicroSystems MOR Short Course in EuroSimE 2019
On March 24, 2019, Prof. Bechtold has given the short course "System-Level Simulation of Mircosystems - MOR" in conference EuroSimE 2019 in Hannover.
Description: The rapid progress in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and the evolution from a limited set of well-established applications, examples, in automotive industry, print heads, and digital light projection, to other fields mainly driven by consumer applications (such as image stabilization, smart phones, game consoles, etc.) opens a new market for these devices. It simultaneously creates the need for fast, efficient, and adequate design and optimization tools not only for stand-alone devices, but also for entire multiphysics microsystems comprising the MEMS component, the attached control and read-out circuitry and the package, while additionally considering environmental impacts potentially affecting the system functionality.
This 4 hours hand-on course provides an overview of system-level modelling methodologies for microsystems and offers an oportunity to test the industrial standard tool "Model Reduction inside ANSYS".
Course Outline:
Part 1: Compact Modeling of Microsystems by Means of Model Order Reduction - Theory
- MOR: Principle and Methods
- MEMS Case Studies
Part 2: Hand on MOR
- Model Reduction inside ANSYS
- System-Level Simulation with ANSYS Twin Builder
Literature:'System-Level Modeling of MEMS' (T. Bechtold, G. Schrag, L. Feng Edt.), by Wiley-VHC book series on Advanced Micro and Nanosystems 2013.
Who Should Attend: The course is designed for anyone interested in system-level modelling and simulation. Being an ANSYS user is an advantage, but it is not mandatory.
Science Camp 2018 at University of Rostock
On November 22, 2018, the Ph.D. students of Jade2Pro project, Siyang Hu and Chengdong Yuan, presented their posters in Science Camp 2018 at University of Rostock.
- Siyang Hu, Dennis Hohlfeld, Tamara Bechtold, "Design Optimization of Multi-Resonant Microsystems Using Topology Optimization and Model Order Reduction". (B49)
- Chengdong Yuan, Gunasheela Sadashivaiah, Evgenii B. Rudnyi, Tamara Bechtold. "Compact Thermal Model of Human Tissue". (A12)
Papers have been accepted by the 12th International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
From September 22 to 27, 2018, the 12th International Conference in Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE) was hosted in Taormina, Sicily, Italy. Two papers from our group have been accepted and presented in the conference.
Siyang Hu, Chengdong Yuan, Tamara Bechtold. "Quasi-Schur Transformation for the Stable Compact Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Devices".
Onkar Jadhav, Evgenii Rudnyi, Tamara Bechtold. "Load Snapshot Based Nonlinear-Inut Model Order Reduction of a Thermal Human Tissue Model".
32nd European Conference on Modeling and Simulation
On May 22, 2018, the 32th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS) has been held in the Jade University of Applied Sciences.
A group meeting with Prof. Dr. -Ing. Mashuq un Nabi and his research group from Indian Institue of Technology Delhi was held by Prof. Dr. -Ing. Tamara Bechtold during the conference.
Paper has been accepted by EuroSimE 2018
Paper "Parametric Model Order Reduction of a Thermoelectric Generator for Electrically Active Implants" has been accepted and presented at the 19th EuroSimE in Toulouse, France.
In this paper, we analyzed a human tissue thermal model incorporated within an implanted thermoelectric generator (TEG). The impact of convection effect at the skin surface was studied based on a film coefficient and ambient temperature parameters-independent reduced order model obtained through parametric model order reduction (pMOR) method. We proposed to perform efficient parameter studies and system-level simulation based on the reduced TEG.
Paper has been accepted by Journal Microelectronics Reliability

Paper "Stable Reduced Order Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Modules Using Implicit Schur Complement" has been accepted by Journal Microelectronics Reliablity. In this work, we presented an improved technique for reduced order modeling of a micromachined piezoelectric energy harvester and a novel frequency tunable piezoelectric energy harvester with segmented electrodes for improved power generation. A computationally efficient implicit Schur complement was developed for better conditioning of the numerical models. In combination with Krylov subspace-based model order reduction methods, it offers an efficient way to generate guaranteed stable reduced order models of multi-physical device models. We demonstrated an excellent match between the full-scale and the reduced order models of the harvester devices and established a methodology for the truly system-level simulation based on this reduced order numerical models.
Paper has been accepted by MATHMOD 2018
Student contribution "Implicit Schur Complement for Model Order Reduction of Second Order Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Model" has been accepted and presented at the 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modeling.
In this work, we introduced an alternative approach, implicit Schur complement transformation, for efficient one-sided reduction of the second order piezoelectric energy harvester model.

On Feburary 2, 2018, EU-MORNET WORKSHOP: MOR 4 MECHATRONICS has been successfully held in Jade University of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven. We aim to bring together the European theorist and practitioners working in the area of Model Order Reduction (MOR).
During the workshop, the invited speakers shared their recent reseach results in the field of MOR and the applications of MOR theory in real-world mechatronics industry. A brain storm about the future of the MOR was given.
(In the photo: President of Jade University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Manfred Weisensee; Organizer, Prof. Dr. Tamara Bechtold; Invited speaker, Prof. Dr. Wil Schilders.)
Paper has been accepted by MikroSystem Kongress 2017
Paper "Design of a thermoelectric generator for electrical active implants" has been accepted and presented at the MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2017 in Munich. This project is a part of the project Collaborative Research Centre 1270 - 'ELAINE', which focuses on providing highly integrated electronic system for novel and electrically stimulating implants.
In this work, we mainly presented a multiphysical model of a miniaturized thermoelectric generator for electrically active implants, which uses temperature gradients in human tissue. Based on this model, we analyzed the influence of the geometry and material parameters on the thermal and electrical properties and aim for an optimal transducer design. Furthermore, we used mathematical methods of model order reduction to create an accurate compact model, which can be applied in a system-level simulation.
M.Sc. Siyang Hu was granted a scholarship by the Jade2Pro-program

Since October 1, 2017, M.Sc. Siyang Hu has been granted a scholarship by the Ph.D. project (Jade2Pro-program) for the research project 'Design Optimization of Multimodel Microsystems using Topology Optimization and Model Order Reduction' involving the Jade University of Applied Sciences and the University of Rostock.
Paper has been accepted by AIM 2017 International Conference
Paper "Model Order Reduction and System Simulation of a Machine Tool for Real-Time Compensation of Thermally Induced Deformations" has been accepted and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2017 in Munich.
This work presented the application of mathematical methods of model order reduction for automatic generation of highly accurate and compact models of strongly coupled thermo-mechanical machine tool model. In the further step, the reduced model was imported into the system-level simulation software. Based on the accurate reduced order model, a cascade controller was implemented to monitor and compensate the thermally induced deformations of a machine tool.
M.Sc. Chengdong Yuan was granted a scholarship by the Jade2Pro-program
M.Sc. Chengdong Yuan joined the research group "Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems" in Jade University of Applied Sciences. He was supported by the Jade2Pro-program since April 1, 2017.
His research topic is "Parametric Model Order Reduction of Miniaturized Energy Harvester Modules" , which is focused on providing efficient simulation models for the design optimization of energy harvest modules under the guidance of Prof. Dr. -Ing Tamara Bechtold in Jade University of Applied Sciences. This research project is also under the guidance of Prof. Dr. -Ing Dennis Hohlfeld in University of Rostock.