Welcome to IDoK Institute for Database-oriented Engineering

Welcome to the institute for database-oriented engineering of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoinformation Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg.
Founded in 2010, IDoK aims to facilitate the research on various aspects of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
Among others IDoK team intends to impliment building information modeling (BIM) in architecture, civil and engineering(ACE) education. To serve the purpose, we are not only on the way to lebverage BIM concepts and working principles to future professionals but also offer our services to professionals to lead them to BIM working methods.
Institut für Datenbankorientiertes Konstruieren (IDoK)
Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth
Ofener Straße 16/19
D-26121 Oldenburg