Inauguration Lecture Prof. Dr. Radostina Radulova-Stahmer

The inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr Radostina Radulova-Stahmer at the Department of Architecture in the field of Regenerative Urbanism took place on Tuesday, 05.11.24 at 18:00 in the atrium of the main building at the Jade University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburg.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the Jade University of Applied Sciences hosted the official inaugural lecture of Professor Dr. Radostina Radulova-Stahmer, Professorship of Regenerative Urbanism. Under the title "Transitioning to Regenerative Urbanism," she offered insights into the future development of regenerative urban systems and their societal significance.
The event was opened with introductory remarks by Dr. Bert Albers, Vice President of the University, and Prof. Jens-Peter Thiessen, Dean of the Department of Architecture. Their words emphasized the importance of the topic and provided an inspiring start to the evening.
Following the lecture, a lively panel discussion took place, where participants addressed the "Wicked Problems" of our time. These challenging questions required bold answers and innovative approaches. We would like to say thanks to our guests: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kendra Busche (TH Lübeck), Dipl.-Ing. Lena Flamm (bgmr Berlin), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ines Lüder (HAWK Hildesheim), Prof. Volker Katthagen (Jade University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Marcus Kopper (Kopperroth Berlin), Prof. Martin Sobota (Cityförster Rotterdam), and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kurths (TU Berlin). Their expertise and dedication significantly enriched the discussion.
A special thanks goes to Tomma Hangen for moderating the panel, guiding the exchange and discussion wonderfully.
Our thanks goes also to our colleagues, students, and all participants for their active engagement that evening. Your interest and willingness to tackle complex challenges demonstrate that the ecological transition is not only urgently needed but also possible and is being actively advanced by our academic community.