Examination office
At the Jade University's Examinations Office, we see ourselves as a point of contact for the administrative part of your studies. Our range of tasks includes registering and deregistering for examinations, compulsory registrations and managing missed examinations. We administer the booking of grades, ensure that deadlines are checked and calculate interim and final grades.
In summary, we advise and support students and departments in examination procedures and, in cooperation with the Central Commission for Academic Affairs (ZSK), ensure a clear and consistent interpretation of the Bachelor's and Master's examination regulations, the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG) and other legal regulations throughout the university.
Do you suffer from exam nerves, want to learn how to prepare presentations successfully or how to cite correctly? The Central Student Advisory Service regularly offers courses on these and other topics. Click here for the courses.
If you have any questions about examinations, theses or applications, please contact the person responsible for you (see below). We answer the most frequently asked questions about your application and your studies in our FAQ.
Our netiquette
Thank you for your interest in Jade University. To help you find the information you are looking for quickly, here are some tips on how to do this effectively.
Addresses and opening hours
Mail contact
Jade University of Applied Sciences
Study location Wilhelmshaven
Enrollment and Examination Office
Friedrich-Paffrath-Str. 101
26389 Wilhelmshaven
Opening hours Service Point:
Mon - Thu: 09:00 - 12:15
and 13:00 - 15:00
Fri: 09:00 - 12:00
Mail contact
Jade University of Applied Sciences
Study location Oldenburg
Enrollment and Examination Office
Ofener Str. 16
26121 Oldenburg
Opening hours Service Point:
Mon - Thu: 09:00 - 12:00
and 13:00 - 15:00
Fri: 09:00 - 12:00
Open consultation hours
of the employees in Oldenburg:
Mon: 13:00 - 15:00
Thu: 10:00 - 12:00
and by appointment
Jade University of Applied Sciences
Study location Elsfleth
Enrollment and Examination Office
Weserstraße 52
26931 Elsfleth
Office opening hours (W23):
Mon and Tue: 09:00 - 12:00
Thu: 13:00 - 15:00
Wed and Fri closed
Unterlagen können Sie auch außerhalb unserer Öffnungszeiten jederzeit in den Terminbriefkasten (Eingangstür zum Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt bzw. Service Point) einwerfen.

- Head of department
- Media Management and Journalism
- Mechanical engineering (Bachelor)
- Mechanical engineering (dual)
- Mechatronics
- Mechatronics dual
- Project engineering
- Management of digital media (Master)
- Engineering and management (Master)
- Engineering and Management (Online)
- Business informatic
- Engineering and Management (Bachelor)
- Sustainability management
- UX/XR - Usability and digital worlds
- Technology of communication and information
- Electrical engineering (Bachelor)
- Electrical engineering (dual)
- Marine engineering
- Mechanical engineering computer science
- Medical technology
- Medical technology (dual)
- International Tourism Management
- Strategic Management (Master)
- Tourism Management
- Service Point
- Z-test coordinator
- Business administration (Online, Bachelor and Master)
- Tourism management (Online)
- Insurance, banking and finance dual
- Taxes, digital economy and consulting
- Economics
- Electrical engineering (Master)
- Computer science for engineering (Master)
- Mechanical engineering (Master)
- International Business Studies
- Management in health and social care
- Social work
- Economics composite study
- Head of department
- Architecture (Master)
- Urban Design: City - Country - Design (Master)
- Applied Data Science
- Applied nursing science
- Assistive technologies
- Hearing technology and audiology
- Midwifery
- Speech and language therapy
- Information technology and construction
- industrial engineering-construction economics
- business information technology construction
- Service Point in the Student Service Center (SSC)
- Public Health
- Architecture (Bachelor)
- Urban Design: City - Country - Design (Master)
- Applied geodesy
- Geoinformatics
- Spatial information science / Geodesy and geoinformatics
- Geoinformation and economics
Please send inquiries about the following study programs to i-amt-ol@jade-hs.de:
- Facility management and real estate management
- Management and civil engineering
To avoid additional work, we would ask you to refrain from duplicate requests.
- Ship and port operations dual
- Ship and port operations part-time
- Nautical science and maritime transport
- International maritime management (Master)
- Maritime economics and port management
- International logistics management
- Maritime management (Master)
- Economics – joint practical training program