Research and Knowledge Transfer

Department administration

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Saß

Vice President Research, Third Mission, Gender Equality

Annika Schöbel

Jade Startup Box
EXIST programme
Institute for Entrepreneurship
and Innovation

Personal assistant:

Mareike Zander-Hagedorn

Research management

Dr. Helge Bormann

Reporting system
Research Fund
Funding advice

Christina Schumacher

Funding consultation
EU Structural Funds
Research information system

Dr. Theresa Nüsse


Dr. Meike Wiarda

Vorbereitung Promotionszentren

Personal assistant:

Bettina Köhne

Knowledge and technology transfer

Campus Wilhelmshaven

Prof. Dr. Thomas Lekscha

Patent service
Jade Startup Box
Start-up initiative

Vera Sasse

Programme Innosys Nordwest

Campus Oldenburg

Katrin Keller

Science Communication

Lena Wiegand

Events Companies